The unit cost and the standing charge make the most difference to your business gas bills. The unit cost is the price you pay for each kWh of gas used. The standing charge is a daily payment to cover national grid maintenance and transportation costs. Commercial gas contracts are tailor-made for each company. To determine your unit cost and standing charge, your business’s location, size, number of employees and consumption pattern will all be taken into consideration. This means it’s difficult to estimate how much you should be paying at first sight, but average industry prices can give you a rough idea:
Business Size | Price per kWh | Standing charge | Avg. annual cost |
Micro business | 4.0p | 32.0p | £516 |
Small business | 3.8p | 30.0p | £965 |
Medium business | 3.5p | 28.0p | £1,502 |