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Compare cheap gas prices
Compare all UK gas tariffs to find the cheapest gas supplier for you.
At UKPower we can you help you find cheap gas prices or from a range of energy suppliers, quickly and easily. Our energy comparison service is completely free to use and can help you find a cheap gas and electric deal in a matter of minutes.
When you compare gas and electricity prices and switch energy supplier with us, you could see your bills cut by hundreds of pounds every year.
Check out the cheap energy deals in the table below and then enter your postcode to run a gas price comparison to see how much you could save with our cheap gas deals.
How to compare cheap gas prices
Running a price comparison with UKPower is the simplest way to find the cheapest gas supplier - just enter your postcode to get started, then pop a few more details into our online form and our energy price comparison tool will find the cheapest deals available from a range of suppliers.
To get an idea of how much you can expect to pay, the table below shows the cheapest gas only tariffs currently available on the market.
This table should only be used as a guide as gas prices vary for a number of reasons, including:
- Whereabouts in the country you live
- Your gas usage
- How you prefer to pay for your bills.
That's why it's important to run a full comparison using your own details when looking for cheap gas and electric suppliers. To run a price comparison, just pop your postcode in the blue box above.
Once you have found which of our cheap gas deals is most suitable for you, we save you both time and money by taking care of the switch for you.
How to switch energy supplier
How to switch energy supplier with UKPower. Simply enter your postcode and we'll compare energy prices from a range of suppliers. You then choose the one you prefer and we'll take care of the rest.Supplier | Tariff | Average Annual Bill* | |
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1 Year Fixed + Boiler Cover 27 September 2024 | £ 1,467 | |
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Fix'd Dual Oct24 v2.0 | £ 1,553 | |
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The Fixed Tariff v5 | £ 1,555 | |
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Octopus 12M Fixed October 2024 v1 | £ 1,566 | |
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Co-op 12M Fixed October 2024 v1 | £ 1,566 |
*Based on usage of kWh of gas per year . Shows average price across all regions. Assumes payment is made by Monthly Direct Debit. Only showing tariffs which are generally available across most of the UK.
Who supplies your gas?
To help us find the cheapest gas and electric supplier as quickly and easily as possible, it helps to know who supplies your energy currently, as the more information we have, the more accurate our quotes will be.
If you have just moved into your new home or are renting a property, you probably won't know who your gas supplier is. Although it's likely your supply comes from one of the big six energy companies, you should ask your landlord, letting agent, estate agent or previous occupants who the gas supplier is. It's important to switch to a better deal as soon as you move in, as you'll have been placed on your supplier's more expenive standard variable rate tariff.
Another way to find out which company is supplying you with gas is to look at a recent bill. All the information you require, including the name of the supplier, the type of tariff you are on and information about how much gas you consume and what you pay for it should be contained on the bill.
If you can't find a recent bill, ask your landlord or estate agent for your Meter Point Reference Number (MPRN). This is a 6-10-digit number that is used to identify your property and your gas supply.
Can you switch gas supplier if you rent?
If you live in a rented house or flat and pay your gas supplier directly, you should be able to switch. But before you compare prices and commit to switching, you should first clear it with your landlord or letting agent, and also find out if they’d prefer you to switch back to the original supplier when you move out.
If your gas bills are included as part of your rental payments, or your landlord pays the bills and then charges you later, you won’t be able to switch supplier yourself. In this instance, it's worth asking your landlord to compare cheap gas and electricity suppliers and switch on your behalf, to help save money.
Could you save money with a dual fuel deal?
When looking for the cheapest gas and electricity suppliers, it make sense to see if you could save money by switching to a dual fuel deal. This is when both your gas and electricity are supplied by the company, and you can often get a discounted rate for buying both fuels from the same supplier.
A dual fuel deal can not only give you cheap gas and electric, it can also be less hassle than having two single fuel deals, as you only have one bill and one switching date to worry about.
What is a dual fuel tariff?
A dual fuel tariff is when you sign up to have your gas and electricity supplied by the same company, and can be offered as both fixed and variable rate deals.To compare cheap gas prices, or to find out how much you could save with a dual fuel deal, enter your postcode in the box below.